Mimi, 60:  The Influencer Redefining Aging Through Fitness and Boxing

In a world where youth often takes center stage in the realm of influencers, Mimi stands out as a beacon of inspiration and empowerment. At 60 years young, she is dismantling stereotypes and redefining the narrative around aging, demonstrating that life truly begins at any age. Through her passion for boxing, fitness, and unwavering zest for life, Mimi is not only challenging societal norms but also inspiring a generation to embrace vitality and strength, regardless of the number of candles on their birthday cake. Join us as we delve into the extraordinary journey of Mimi, the influencer who is changing the stigma around aging one punch and one workout at a time.

How old are you? And how old do you feel?

I’m 60, so I feel 60.

You bring a lot of different aspects of inspiration to the table, between fitness and overall wellness. When did you begin your journey to start helping others? When did your social media journey start?

In 2021 I started a blog about comfy and uncomfy stuff that happens in midlife, and at the end of that year I started posting regularly on Instagram. The blog growth moved at the speed of a tortoise, but the Instagram page started blowing up about 6 months in.

What has been the biggest change in your life since you started?

For sure it’s the connections I’ve made via Instagram. The best part is getting messages from people who say they’re not scared of getting older, or they picked up some weights, or took a dance class because they were inspired by a post.

I’ve been a guest on some amazing podcasts, interviewed by digital publications like Timeless, and done a few brand partnerships. The experience so far has been super positive.

What is an example of a challenge that you have had to face getting older, and how did you face that?

That’s easy, it’s the death of my mom, which I face every day, and will never get over.

What did you think of your current age when you were younger? Did you think you would be as healthy and fit as you are?

Oh, I thought 60 was very old when I was younger, and when I turned 50 I believed there was nowhere to go but downhill, which is odd because it’s the age I started boxing, and had just done 10 years of consistent adult ballet. I’m more fit than I thought I would be, but I didn’t expect to have chronic back pain.

Do you have a specific brand you prefer to use for your fitness gear?

For workout wear my top brand is Athleta, because I love their leggings and sports bras, and they feature athletes in their marketing. My other go-tos are Girlfriend Collective, Outdoor Voices, Nike and Adidas.

I see that you do boxing, what age did you start that and what encouraged you?

I was 50 when I was offered a free boxing class when my regular fitness class was unexpectedly canceled. It was a total fluke, and initially I said no thanks. I mean there was nothing in my experience that would lead me to boxing. I had never done a push up or burpee or punched anything, but I gave it a try, and stuck with it because I saw a bunch of strong, fierce women hitting hard and fast combos in the ring. It really inspired me to do this challenging activity that was well out of my comfort zone.

Is there something that you would like to try to learn how to do now?

Play the drums. It’s been a dream since I was in 4th grade when they handed out instruments to learn in elementary school, and only boys were chosen to play drums. I just need to carve out the time. Oh, and a friend wants me to learn indoor rock climbing with her.

What is a goal of yours?

It’s my mission to inspire and encourage all bodies to move, and to crush stereotypes about getting older.

How do you maintain your fitness routine during winter seasons or illness?

I live in LA so I’m not challenged by weather, and I prefer to workout indoors so it’s the gym or my garage gym for me, but I’ve been sick or injured plenty of times when I’ve taken extended time off.

Last year I sprained my ankle (don’t walk and text) and worked out on one foot for weeks. I’ve boxed with one arm when I strained a wrist or fingers (not advisable and I don’t do that anymore). The point is, I’ll go over, around or through to stay active.

When I recover from illness, I ease into workouts slowly. I walk a mile every morning, so I would start with walking, and then add some short weight workouts, and then some cardio like step, dancing or rebounding, and then build up endurance so I can box. Depending on the illness I had, this could take a month or so. Boxing is the most demanding workout I do, so I take ample time to get back to my fitness baseline whenever I need to restart.

Do you have any advice you would like to give to someone who wants to get into fitness in their 50+ years, and is afraid they are past the point of starting?

We know the benefits of exercise, and we know it’s important to do, especially in midlife when we’re losing lean muscle mass and bone mineral density. I get tons of messages where people say “I hope…, I want…, I should…”, but taking care of yourself is not a hope, want, or should, it’s a necessity. Think about your priorities…your kids, work, partner, pets, home, car, parents…all the people and things you take care of because it’s necessary. Your health and fitness belong high on the list.

If knowledge is what you need to get started then it’s a matter of what to do- start with basics like walking, and build from there, and then do some exploration to find movement you’ll stick with, because repetition and discipline are everything. If you don’t like gyms, don’t go to a gym. If you need instruction, try some intro classes. If you want to be alone, search YouTube. If you’re super social, find an activity to do with friends, if you need accountability and can afford it, hire a trainer.

The bigger challenge is if you just can’t get yourself to do anything. Then the question is, what are your constraints? Do you need to change your environment (people and places), do you have pain or a lingering injury to manage first, or do you need to adjust your mindset? What if you said to yourself that your body is a priority that is non-negotiable?

If you think you can’t because of your age, that’s ageism at work. It’s not your fault, and it’s never too late. A 2023 study found that people in their 80s and 90s, who hadn’t weight trained before, showed muscle and strength gains after doing regular resistance training.

Don’t overthink it, and obviously check with your doctor first if needed. There are a gazillion things you can do, but you’ll never find out what works, and what’s fun for you until you take action.

– Mimi

Mimi’s journey serves as a living testament to the fact that age is no barrier to pursuing one’s passions and living life to the fullest. Through her dedication to fitness, love for boxing, and infectious zest for life, she has become an icon of inspiration for individuals of all ages. Mimi’s story is a powerful reminder that the only limits that exist are the ones we impose upon ourselves.

So, if you want to stay updated with Mimi’s invigorating journey and be inspired by her contagious enthusiasm for life, be sure to follow her on Instagram. Join her community and experience firsthand the joy, vitality, and strength that come with embracing every round that life throws your way.

Follow Mimi on Instagram @HeyMiddleAge and embark on a journey of empowerment, wellness, and unbridled passion for life.

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